Reporting Tools
Save data to different consistent servers. Metatrader reporting tools used for data collection, reporting, and monitoring help traders not only keep their businesses afloat but also flourish
Trade Information to MySQL
This tool is a standalone C++ application which allows to save all history and live deals, orders, positions to MySQL. It uses Metatrader 4/5 Manager API and works with MySQL version 5.7.x and 8.0.x
Trade Information to RabbitMQ
This tool is a standalone c++ application which allows to save all live positions, orders, accounts to RabbitMQ exchange. Also, it fires events in Redis pub/sub channel when new position, order, deal, account is created or updated.

Trade Information to Redis
It is a standalone c++ application which allows to save all live positions, orders, accounts in Redis cache. Also, it fires events in Redis pub/sub channel when new position, order, deal, account is created or updated.