Metatrader REST API
Fast, reliable, powerful, scalable, cost-efficient, easy to use and standards-driven REST API designed to enhance your Forex application development process. Supports any Metatrader broker.
This service will be useful for software developers or marketing teams within a Brokerage

The power of Swagger
The power of Swagger tools starts with the OpenAPI Specification — the industry standard for RESTful API design
User Management

Create user with Account
Update existing account by account number
Reset Password
Reset account password of existing account
Trade Management

Open market, pending orders
Update stoploss, takeprofit
Full or partial close orders
Prices for Metatrader REST API
Because of differences in operation of Metatrader4 and Metatrader5 we implemented two different services, so that each of them has its own price.
Manage users, accounts, trades, symbols and groups. Control deposit/withdrawals, get history data for accounts and orders
To buy the source code, please contact us
metatrader 5
Manage accounts, deals, trades, transactions, symbols. groups. Control deposit/withdrawals. Load information about live/history orders/positions

Metatrader 4 Demo