Socket Writer Tool Released
We have been released one more c++ dll (Socket Writer), which provides solution to work with socket from Metatrader (mql) and TradeStation (EL).
We have been released one more c++ dll (Socket Writer), which provides solution to work with socket from Metatrader (mql) and TradeStation (EL).
Activity Log– now you can see all operations you made in panel (from the Activity Log menu ). In the nearest time function for writing signals activity to log will be added. With this function you can check whether the signal was sent from your Leader EA or not. Leader EA was updated. Now it…
We have released new version of Signals Copier. Now it works faster, there is less latency between sending and receipt. Management Panel has new user-friendly design now. For signals distribution we are using the server specifically developed by our team. There is no delay because signals are sending in real time. Now it supports up…
Meet new feature: Order Watcher! Now you can check every order that was sent to Followers. You will know if your order is copied and which licenses and MT4 accounts got it. If you closed any order, you can see whether it was closed on Followers or not. Photo by Wance Paleri on Unsplash
In our Funded Prop Trading Panel there is a new feature to view the status history for challenges. The Status column now has an icon, which displays the history of status changes for a trading challenge when clicked. Managers can track who changed the status of a particular challenge and when. Stay tuned and follow…
Changes list As usual, all signals are processing in real-time. Photo by Maxim Ilyahov on Unsplash
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